Stop trying to build your own analytics engine
Embed Knowi in your app to provide seamless analytics to your customers
Embedded analytics gets you to market faster
Instead of putting your developers and engineers to work building and maintaining a dashboard and analytics platform from scratch, you can speed up your GTM with a reliable, full-featured embedded business intelligence engine for a fraction of the cost. Introducing Knowi EMBED.
Create the analytics your customers are asking for
Your customers are asking for BI solutions. You need a fast, flexible way to deliver them without a ton of development. Knowi EMBED is a low overhead way to do it. Your customers get robust analytics capabilities out of the gate. You get analytics in the hands of your customers in a fraction of the time it would take to build it yourself.
Simple & secure
Knowi EMBED will generate a secure embed URL using an encrypted hash key which ensures the parameters are secure against tampering or unauthorized use.
Full javascript API
Knowi dashboards and charts can be embedded with iframes or with our full feature Javascript API which supports both simple sharing and secure encrypted sharing.
Embed charts or entire dashboards
All embed options work for embedding entire dashboards or individual charts. Here’s an example of an embedded chart plugged right into this webpage. The data for this chart was pulled in dynamically from two separate REST APIs.
Build your own data portal
The ease of Knowi EMBED opens up a world of possibilities. At the beginning of the COVID outbreak in early 2020, we used Knowi EMBED to pull in outbreak data from numerous APIs and datasources to create a public COVID-19 Data Hub. Through it we were able to create a live web app with 20+ dashboards showing outbreak data for different regions across the globe. With the flexibility of Knowi EMBED and the omni-datasource support of Knowi HUB, we were able to take this from idea to reality in just a few days.