Blog How to Join Elasticsearch with other Datasources using Knowi

How to Join Elasticsearch with other Datasources using Knowi

Knowi is an end-to-end analytics platform that can be used to explore data sets, clean messy, complex data, blend multiple data stores using common join-keys, and build visualizations or enhance applications with Natural Language Intelligence

Knowi facilitates joins across multiple datasources to process, analyze, and store/visualize joined results without requiring data to be transformed. 

For example, if one datasource stores data about a supplier, and another one stores data about the customer, Knowi enables you to join such related/unrelated data across the same or disparate SQL or NoSQL databases to stitch the data back together into a single result along with the ability to store and track it.

In this blog post, we will discuss how ElasticSearch can be joined with other datasources. We will be covering the following datasources:

  1. MongoDB 
  2. MySQL
  3. Redshift
  4. REST API 
  5. Couchbase.

Joining Elasticsearch with MongoDB

To Join Elasticsearch with MongoDB, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Datasource as Elasticsearch, add indexes, and other customization options like filters and sorting if needed.
  2. Preview the results
  3. Click +Join Source
  4. Choose MongoDB as your second datasource and add tables, customizations, etc.
  5. Now, you can click the final result preview which displays the join result between Elasticsearch and MongoDB

What Knowi Offers

Here are some features that Knowi offers for the join between Elasticsearch and MongoDB:

  • A pure NoSQL BI Connector for seamless integration
  • MongoDB charts for real-time visualizations of your data

Joining Elasticsearch with MySQL

To Join Elasticsearch with MySQL, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Datasource as Elasticsearch, add indexes, and other customization options like filters and sorting if needed.
  2. Preview the results
  3. Click +Join Source
  4. Choose MySQL as your second datasource and add tables, customizations, etc.
  5. You can use the Join builder to join the databases in various ways
  6. Now, you can click the final result preview which displays the join result between Elasticsearch and MySQL

What Knowi Offers

Here are some features that Knowi offers for the join between Elasticsearch and MySQL:

  • Native support for MySQL queries.
  • BI dashboard and visualization for real-time data.
  • NLP and AI assistance.

Joining Elasticsearch with Redshift

To Join Elasticsearch with Redshift, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Datasource as Elasticsearch, add indexes, and other customization options like filters and sorting if needed.
  2. Preview the results
  3. Click +Join Source
  4. Choose Redshift as your second datasource and add tables, customizations, etc.
  5. You can use the Join builder to join the databases in various ways
  6. Now, you can click the final result preview which displays the join result between Elasticsearch and Redshift

What Knowi Offers

Here are some features that Knowi offers for join between Elasticsearch and Redshift:

  • Share and embed dashboards to internal groups or via a simple URL.
  • Export data in various formats.
  • Schema Discovery & SQL Query Generation Join and blend data across various NoSQL and SQL-based datasources.
  • Direct query execution into Redshift to drive visualizations, or, store and track seamlessly using our scalable, schema-less, flexible cloud warehouse/cache for long-running queries.
  • Complement queries with Cloud9QL, a powerful post-processor specifically built for reporting use cases, including seamless predictions based on historical data, cohort analysis, moving averages, and pivots amongst many others.
  • Multiple Deployment and Connectivity Modes: Connect to Redshift directly from the cloud with nothing to install, or connect from your network using our agent.

Joining Elasticsearch with REST API

To Join Elasticsearch with REST API, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Datasource as Elasticsearch, add indexes, and other customization options like filters and sorting if needed.
  2. Preview the results
  3. Click +Join Source
  4. Choose REST API as your second datasource and add tables, customizations, etc.
  5. You can use the Join builder to join the databases in various ways
  6. Now, you can click the final result preview which displays the join result between Elasticsearch and REST API

What Knowi Offers

Here are some features that Knowi offers for joins between Elasticsearch and REST API:

  • Native support for REST API integration into any datasource
  • Support for Loop Joins – Allows integration of two or more REST API calls
  • Support for Pagination

Joining Elasticsearch with Couchbase

To Join Elasticsearch with Couchbase, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Datasource as Elasticsearch, add indexes, and other customization options like filters and sorting if needed.
  2. Preview the results
  3. Click +Join Source
  4. Choose Couchbase as your second datasource and add tables, customizations, etc.
  5. You can use the Join builder to join the databases in various ways
  6. Now, you can click the final result preview which displays the join result between Elasticsearch and Couchbase

What Knowi Offers

Here are some features that Knowi offers for joins between Elasticsearch and Couchbase:

  • Native Couchbase Analytics
  • Supports N1QL and Couchbase Analytics Service
  • Blend Couchbase Buckets, other NoSQL or Relational Data Sources
  • Embed Analytics into Your Couchbase-Powered Data Applications

Note: You can also join the queries using Cloud9QL other than the visual builder.

At Knowi

Knowi, an end-to-end analytics platform, unifies analytics across structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data. Knowi has firmly established itself as a leader in the Elasticsearch and OpenSearch domains. Read about building Elasticsearch queries here

Knowi also provides Elasticsearch analytics; give it a try if you want to elevate your business data with insights, embedded analytics, and visualizations. Make sure to contact us for any of your database queries. Book a demo today with Knowi and embark on a transformative analytics journey.

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